4 Steps to Determine Liability in a Multi-Vehicle Accident

Auto accidents happen every day in The Woodlands and the rest of the state. In fact, a crash occurs in Texas every 56 seconds. Many of these involve multiple vehicles as people commute to work and school, run errands, and drive to Texas’ attractions.

Multi-vehicle accidents present a special challenge when it comes to determining liability. These accidents often have more than one contributing factor, and it’s possible for multiple drivers to share fault. Yet determining liability is critical to being able to pursue compensation through a personal injury lawsuit in the civil courts. Following these steps can help you get the information you need to determine who is at fault and what the next steps are for pursuing compensation.

1. Investigate the Accident and Gather Evidence

You need to know what happened to be able to determine liability. When you are in an accident, the shock and adrenaline can make your memory less than accurate. It’s common to not be able to recall what happened in the minutes or seconds before the accident. Other witnesses, dashcam footage, and forensic evidence collected at the scene can help you determine what factors led to the accident and which driver was at fault. This includes everything from data showing whether a traffic light was green or red or what the road and weather conditions were that day.

2. Get a Copy of the Police Report

Once your immediate injuries have been attended to and your condition is stable, get a copy of the police report. This will include the officer’s findings and let you know if anyone was ticketed for the accident. While getting a ticket does not determine absolute fault, it can be another piece of evidence pointing to factors that caused the accident, such as speeding or veering outside of the lane. The police report will also generally have the contact information for all of the parties involved so that you can provide this to your insurance company.

3. Look at Details From an Accident Reconstruction

Serious accidents that involve more than one vehicle may require a reconstruction to determine what happened. The insurance companies often perform these to provide more data and determine liability. To perform an accident reconstruction, a specialist generally reviews the crash scene, any evidence collected at the scene, and the police report and driver statements.

This information is all fed into a computer program that relies on logarithms and other software calculations to recreate the accident. This includes things like the trajectory of the vehicles, how fast they were going, and whether a driver tried to stop or otherwise avoid a crash. In multi-vehicle accidents, it’s common for there to be multiple contributing factors, such as one person speeding and another driving while distracted.

4. Talk to a Personal Injury Attorney

Anytime you have been in a car accident, it’s vital to talk to a Texas personal injury attorney as soon as possible. While an attorney can’t determine liability, they can look at the details and evidence you have so far and help you determine whether there is enough evidence pointing to another driver being at fault. If the evidence is strong, they can help you pursue a personal injury lawsuit against the liable driver to potentially recover damages.

An attorney can also provide valuable information, such as how much you may be able to sue for, whether the case is likely to be settled out of court, and what to expect from the process. No attorney can guarantee any specific outcome in a legal case, but they have the experience and knowledge from working with similar cases in the local courts to provide a general estimate as to what you can expect.

Making the Decision to Pursue Legal Action

Making the decision to pursue legal action against the party or parties liable for the accident and your injuries isn’t always an easy one. Often, victims are facing lengthy, painful recoveries from their injuries, which can make a legal battle seem too overwhelming. This is where an experienced personal injury attorney comes in. They are able to use their resources to handle all of the legal aspects of the case for you, from gathering evidence and filing motions to speaking to the insurance companies on your behalf.

The bottom line is that you deserve compensation for your injuries and pain and suffering if the accident was caused by another driver. Multi-vehicle accidents are complex, and it’s possible that you may be able to pursue compensation from more than one party. Working with an attorney ensures all of this is handled correctly while you are able to focus on healing.

Contact Morgan Bourque Attorney at Law for Help With Your Case

At the office of Morgan Bourque Attorney at Law, our team understands how challenging determining liability in multi-vehicle accidents can be because we have experience guiding clients through this process. We know what to look for and who to talk with to ensure that every piece of evidence is uncovered and the at-fault parties can be held liable.

We do everything in our power to get you the compensation you deserve. If you’ve been injured in a multi-vehicle accident in The Woodlands or the surrounding area, call Morgan Bourque Attorney at Law at 713-766-3733 today. Our office offers free consultations to help you get started.