Prostitution Attorneys in The Woodlands Helping You Avoid a Solicitation Conviction and Serious Penalties
Prostitution or sex work is engaging in sexual activity with someone in exchange for money, drugs, or other valuables. A sex act doesn’t need to occur in Texas for it to be illegal.
Committing to some agreement to accept sex in exchange for money gets sex workers, their clients, managers, and anyone else involved in legal trouble. Texas is the first state to punish sex buyers with felony charges if caught.
Morgan Bourque Attorney at Law, and our team of prostitution lawyers are dedicated to protecting sex workers from false accusations and severe penalties related to a prostitution offense. Contact Morgan Bourque Attorney at Law, when you need a strong defense for your solicitation offense.
What are the Types of Prostitution?
There are many sex workers: call girls and escorts, in-house sex workers, and streetwalkers, to name a few. It’s important to note that prostitution or sex work isn’t always “out in the open,” as there are indirect forms, such as lap dancing, massage parlors, and beer girls selling products in bars and clubs. There are four primary types of prostitution:
- Street prostitution: With street prostitution, sex workers market to potential customers on streets, parks, and other public places to get business.
- Brothel: Brothels are businesses specifically dedicated to providing sex to interested parties.
- Escort: A covert form of sex work, clients contact sex workers by phone or through the hotel staff. Service is usually provided at a client’s hotel room or home.
- Private: Another hidden form of prostitution, clients contact sex workers by phone to arrange business.
Morgan Bourque Attorney at Law, will protect sex workers from a conviction.
What is the Aggravated Promotion of Prostitution?
A person that creates a prostitution enterprise or business venture that at least two people agree to is considered aggravated promotion of prostitution. For example, a manager of a brothel or pimp of a sex worker that makes compensation from the work of a sex worker or sex workers and promotes the services is guilty of aggravated promotion of prostitution.
Promotion of prostitution offenders faces anywhere from 180 days and two years in jail and fines of up to $10,000 if convicted. Aggravated promotion of prostitution includes a harsher punishment, including two to 10 years in prison plus a $10,000 fine.
Contact Morgan Bourque Attorney at Law, if you are being charged with solicitation or aggravated promotion. We can help.
How Do You Beat a Solicitation Charge in Texas?
Morgan Bourque Attorney at Law protects sex workers from harsh charges and penalties following a solicitation charge. A sex worker charged with solicitation does not have to be caught in the act to be guilty; only a commitment to exchange money for services must be considered a crime.
Sex workers might be falsely accused, or law enforcement might misconstrue a situation. We review the charges against you, whatever the scenario, and create a solid defense to protect you from penalties.
Possible ways to help sex workers beat a prostitution offense include defenses such as entrapment, improper procedures by law enforcement, or lack of agreement between two parties.
Can an Attorney Help Me with a Solicitation Charge?
Prostitution is not tolerated in Texas, and law enforcement is committed to cracking down on any form of sex work to protect the public. Law enforcement might use a sting operation to catch a prostitute engaging in solicitation or a customer paying for sex. The result is a solicitation charge requiring the services of Morgan Bourque Attorney at Law.
Prostitution or solicitation is considered a class B misdemeanor crime. If a person is found guilty of prostitution, penalties include 180 days in jail or up to $2,000 in fines. Sex workers, managers, pimps, and anyone else involved in prostitution with a history of prior convictions can face a class A misdemeanor, one year in jail, and up to $4,000 in fines.
If you are facing a severe solicitation conviction, beat the charges when you call Morgan Bourque Attorney at Law. Book your consultation today and call: 713-766-3733.